Best Business Internet Providers

A business internet connection is a necessity in today’s tech-driven world. No matter what you are working on, the need for instant communication and regular updates can only be overlooked at your own peril.

However, many entrepreneurs and new business owners don’t really know much about what operating a business entails on the internet side of things. Some believe a home internet plan will be good enough, and while that might be true for the smallest of businesses, anything decently sized will require more.

What do I need?

What you need in a business internet provider will actually vary according to your business type and size. However, the first thing every single business need for their internet connection is for it to be reliable. Even if you’re operating a store, you’ll often need to check for stock, prices, or other details on the internet.

Having slow internet, or internet that doesn’t work at all will only lead to frustrated clients who have to wait far too long for things that might take but a few seconds next door.

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business internet

And when that happens, they’ll go next door and forget about your business.

Transfer Speed Matters

While not every business will need huge bandwidth, many companies will. And even the ones that don’t so much still require one that’s decent enough to allow for most websites to load within split seconds.

Companies that are bandwidth-intensive will be those tied closely to computing, or those who use computing and internet services heavily. For example, a web development company needs bandwidth to be able to update a client’s’ websites quickly. Just as well, a design company will need bandwidth so that sending multiple versions of a design file doesn’t take hours. Even companies that don’t directly deal with IT often need bandwidth to host video conferences or keep files backed up to a cloud service.

Technical Support is a Must

We all are acquainted with the annoyance of having our internet connection break at home. Even when we might not urgently need it, the feeling of being disconnected from the world and our usual activities can be bothersome and disenchanting.

You should expect that feeling ten times over if it’s your business internet that’s down. It’s one thing to be unable to check twitter or make a skype call, and another one to be unable to work at all because your business depends on your internet connection.

And while reliability is important, the truth is, all things break at some point. When that unfurls, you’ll need technical support, and your ISP would do well to help you immediately. Once again, most households can spend a couple of days with no internet and suffer no major losses. A company, however, can lose thousands of dollars in just one day with no internet.

Don’t take the risk. Go for companies with immediate tech support.

Extra Services Make a Difference

While your household can make do with just having an internet connection, for businesses it often isn’t. The best providers of business internet packages come with extra services, often at a low cost, that can make a huge difference in how you or your company interact with the web.

Cloud hosting is one of the most requested value-added services. By hosting your files in a cloud, as opposed to a hard drive, you get a backup that is 100% trustworthy. While a local file can be lost to natural disasters, power fluctuations, or simple wear and tear, anything stored in the cloud is almost impossible to lose. This is dependable as it relies on arrays of servers and constant backups to keep any data from being lost no matter what.

Another commonly requested service is that of email. While most big corporations will host their own mail servers, not every business needs one. Some ISPs offer custom emails with their business internet plans, allowing you to run your business without using a Gmail or outlook address that can look unprofessional.

Lastly, another common service is that of a static IP. While many companies don’t need one, some tech-minded companies do require access to servers or systems that only allow certain IPs through. When using a dynamic IP, these systems can be difficult to handle. Having a static IP means that your company always uses the same numerical ID on the internet, allowing you – and others – to more easily identify anything coming from your company.

What Are My Options, Then?

Your options will vary depending on your needs, particularly your company type and its size. Many internet providers offering household plans will also offer business internet plans. There are also providers offering dedicated networks and server arrays specific for your company, but it’s safe to say most small and medium-sized businesses don’t require these.

Therefore, going with mid-sized companies is usually your best bet. As with residential internet, not all companies will serve all areas, although in commercial areas there’s usually less of a cartel, meaning that most areas can usually access a couple of different providers at least.

Among these companies, RCN is often the most sought after since they specialize in business internet, with plans going between 10 and 75Mbps using their fiber-based network. They also offer phone and TV service, shall your company require it, and as usual in the market, you get better prices if you bundle them.

Charter communications also do well in customer satisfaction, with plans going all the way to 100Mbps, in case the 75Mbps RCN offers happen to be too little for you. As with RCN, they offer phone and internet TV service along with their business internet deals.

While some people might distrust them, some home internet providers score well as business providers. The best well-known ones among these are Verizon and AT&T, both of which are regularly used by business owners

Verizon, in particular, has the FiOS network, the fastest in the industry, with a versatility going up to 500Mbps, making it ideal for businesses consuming huge amounts of data. However, their security is often thought of as suspect, and unlike others, they don’t offer much beyond their basic service.

As for AT&T, its networks are considerably slower than those of their main competitors, with plans going only up to 45Mbps. However, to be fair, they are also cheaper than most of their competitors, making them a decent choice for smaller businesses, or those with an existing work relationship with the company.

Last Words

Regardless of who you go for, as with home internet, it is important to make sure your provider offers reliable service and that the network is able to handle the traffic your business needs. As always, it’s a good idea to ask around locally, since the experience of other businesses in the area can help you make an informed decision.

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