Home Loans & Mortgages – A Guide

If it’s your first time looking for a mortgage, then you might feel a little apprehensive. After all, this mortgage is something you will deal with every month for the next few decades, so you want to make sure you are getting the best mortgage you can. And while the variety of options available can be a little intimidating, it only means that you have these options to choose from. And that these options are there for you to see which fits your needs and your situation best. Therefore, you have the opportunity to shop for the best mortgage you need.

And since everyone needs something different, here are some mortgage types that can help you see which one is perfect for you:

The Traditional 30 Year Mortgage

This loan means you will be paying a fixed rate for 30 years and is the most popular home mortgage. But just because everybody is doing it, it doesn’t mean you should too. The first question you need to ask is if this loan fits your needs. Will this be a home that you will live in for at least ten years? If so, then yes, a 30-year loan is a good option. The biggest concern you may have with a 30-year loan is the interest rate risk. Interest rates rise and fall as the years pass by. Your 30-year loan has fixed interest. Meaning, your interest rate won’t change, regardless if the market rates increase or decrease.


The Emerging 15 Year Mortgage

The 15-year loan is gaining widespread popularity. If you have the money and you can afford higher monthly rates, then paying off your mortgage in half the time as your traditional loan can help a lot. The difference between the 15-year loan from the 30-year loan is that you will be paying more towards your principal amount than the interest overall. Your interest rate will also be slightly lower. You will be paying anywhere from $500 a month to $1,000 a month more compared to a 30-year mortgage.

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Adjustable Rate Mortgages (The ARM)

Your initial period for an ARM rate ranges from 1 to 10 years, after which, the interest rate may increase or decrease. If you see the term 5/1 ARM, it means that the first five years will have a fixed rate, and your rate may increase or decrease after five years. However, if your interest rate increases, then your monthly payments will increase as well. This loan is recommended for those who will live in the property for a short period of maybe five years.

Interest Only Mortgages

This may scare you since these loan types were terrible after the housing crash. But they are slowly gaining traction and may be a good loan. Additional legislation is now in place to protect and lessen the risk from both borrowers and lenders. With this loan, you can get both fixed and adjustable rate mortgages in which you pay only the interest for a predetermined period. But, when your initial period ends, your payments will adjust. If you know, you have a growing income, and then this is a good option for you since you will be saving money for the years covered. This can also work if you plan on selling the house after the interest period.

Payment Option Mortgages

This loan type is quite similar to interest-only loans, where you pay the interest or the interest and principal each month. The risk you take is when not enough money goes into the principal amount. But for those with variable income, those who get profit shares or commissions can benefit since they pay low monthly payments and then pay higher amounts to make up for the low payments to catch up with their loans.

Balloon Mortgages

Balloon payments mean that you are paying low monthly loans then these will end with a high one-time payment. These are fixed short loans with interest calculated with the same period as a long-term fixed loan. This loan will last from between 3 to 7 years, and the lump sum balance due at the end of the loan. The remaining balance can be paid off; you can sell, refinance, or switch to a fixed long-term loan.

The question of choosing between a fixed and an adjustable rate loan depends on your capability to pay the monthly payments and your long-term plans for the property. Set your goals, and shop around. Talk to your different lenders and see what they have to offer. Find the balance between security and flexibility. Take the time to study and ask around until you get the loan you deserve.

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