Most Popular Online Degrees in 2019

For many people undertaking a full-time college degree with all of the commitments and restrictions it entails, is not really an option. Some people cannot afford a full-time college education. Others, usually older students, have full-time jobs and families to support. It can be a real challenge for lots of people to find a way to balance their work and family life with their desire to get a good education. For people in this situation, when following a strict schedule and attending classes and exams on campus is not an option, then an online degree offers them a flexible, lower cost solution. Here we look at the most popular online degrees for 2019.

Online degrees offer a convenient solution to those who want to earn a degree but either do not have the time or the money to enrol in college on a full-time basis. Achieving an online degree requires the same amount of work as a traditional degree but with more flexibility around how the student sits exams and when they study. Classes are available online 24/7 which allows those in full-time work to go through the curriculum on their own time and at their own pace. As with traditional colleges, online colleges see different demand levels for different subjects and the most likely reason for this is the likelihood of getting a job afterwards. In no particular order, here are the most popular online degrees for 2019.


All business, whether large or small, need someone to handle their finances. It is important that all expenses are documented, all income declared, and that all taxes be paid according to state and federal tax laws. This is why Accounting will always be a high-demand job. Accountants are skilled with budget analysis, financial planning, and other responsibilities. Since this job is a highly valuable one, employment in this field often brings job security and a good chance for career growth.

Electronic and Computer Engineering

There is so much demand for this job that this industry is competitive and ripe with innovation. Those who graduate from this program will be capable of troubleshooting and solving issues related to both electronics and computer technology. This is essential for any organization, as both are highly critical in the day-to-day operations of most companies. Without specialists from this field, companies are at risk of losing income and confidential data of something goes wrong.


People who wish to obtain an online degree in engineering will have a few specialities to choose from, such as civil, electrical, industrial, chemical, and general construction engineering. Those who will get an online degree will be proficient in solving technical problems, create functional and aesthetically pleasing designs while adhering to current safe and legal practices. These engineers are also highly compensated due to the enormous responsibility of their jobs.

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girl studying online accountant electronic and computer engineering jobs

Graphic Design

Graphic designers are artists who convey messages in visual form. To be able to be a skilled graphic designer, you must be able to master a variety of techniques, know how to operate various design software, and have a basic understanding of how media works. People who work in this industry either work for a company, an agency or work freelance. They are also compensated quite well, making it a popular choice for an online degree.

tools of a graphic designer

Health Care Administration

The medical field is not just all doctors and nurses and technicians. There are people working alongside them, mostly hidden from plain sight of patients. These people are integral to the operations of health care facilities as they are the ones who manage the day-to-day functioning of each facility. Those who decide to obtain an online degree in this field will hold jobs that handle the encoding and management of billing services, patient files, time and staff management and maintain order in the workplace. These positions are now in high demand since health insurance companies have become quite strict in ensuring that health care facilities employ competent and well-trained staff.

a health care administrator talks to two doctors

Information Systems Management

Information System managers hold responsibility for the administration and implementation of computer technology. They determine the technical requirements of each company and implement the most effective tools to enable the employees to function at their best. These people are also in charge of maintaining and securing computer technology and internet operations. This job is crucial in ensuring the company runs smoothly and that all information being used by the corporation remains safe. It is a high-demand, high-paying job, so those who wish to obtain an online degree may want to consider this program.

an IS manager with laptop

Marketing Manager

Our world is highly globalized, and competition has evolved from simple market competition at a local level to crossing borders and competing globally. With so many products available in the market, it becomes challenging for companies to sell their products. This is where Marketing experts come in. They analyze the company’s goods and services, its target market, and implements programs that will attract clients and increase sales.

a marketing profissional and a whiteboard

Medical Assistant

This job is the entry-level position in the healthcare industry. Those who have an online degree in this field will be able to hold jobs that handle the administrative and clinical assistance needed by medical professionals. They are the ones who take patient histories, prepare patients for exams, conduct simple laboratory and clinical procedures and maintain patient records.

3 medical assistants


In a world full of lawsuits, paralegals are in high demand. They compose legal documents, conduct research on laws and statutes, interview witnesses and clients, and other essential functions that are needed in law firms and government agencies. There is substantial career growth potential, as well as job security, so a lot of people decide to apply for this program. Those with online degrees in this field may also find it as an easier step towards law school.

female paralegal doing research

Web Design and Development

By no means the least important in our list, web development is a wide network full of competent people bursting with ideas on how to build effective websites. As a company develops a website, they create a platform to display the products and services they offer, and describe what the company is and what they stand for. This is a cutthroat industry, and if you work hard and good enough, the payoff is quite good. Web Development also one of the most sought after online degrees today.

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