A Guide To Checking Accounts

Checking accounts are a special type of bank accounts that let you access deposited money with relative ease. It also allows for frequent deposits and withdrawals, making it an ideal choice for recurring or everyday purchases. However, this flexibility comes at a price, as this account type pay low-interest rates, unlike CDs (certificate of…


First-Time Home Buyers Guide

Buying a home is a big decision for anyone. It’s usually the most expensive thing you own. Most people don’t own anything more valuable than their homes. Even the deposit payment can be the biggest single amount you’ve paid out so far – so you need to be sure you’re doing the right thing.…


Understanding Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s)

The other day I was out for lunch at a nearby restaurant (great place by the way) when I heard one suit telling another “An ETF is an ‘Exchange Traded Fund’. Simple, right? Advantages of Using Funds vs Individual Investing Okay, maybe it isn’t so simple, because if you’ve never dealt with…


Could A Tax Advisor Save You A Small Fortune?

What do you do when you’re in the candy store, and you’re trying to think what sort of bar you’d enjoy the most? Do you close your eyes and pick one at random? Do you leave the store altogether and forget you even went in? What about asking your friend for advice? They can…


How To Finance An Investment Property

Investing is a tricky business. First, because there’s no such thing as a risk-free investment – anything you invest in has the potential to sink overnight. Second, because it often requires a lot of money most people don’t have lying around. To minimize the risk of an investment, many people choose to go the…


Getting Started In Real Estate Investments

In the United States, almost 2/3rds of people own the home they live in. Home ownership is usually the first experience of real estate ownership or investment for most people. It can be an expensive ask to try and make a down payment and grab your first property though, which is usually what stops…


15 Ways To Earn Money At Home

We’d all like to have a little more spare cash in our back pockets, wouldn’t we? A little extra a month, to help with bills, to put aside for a rainy day, or to save towards that really special purchase is always incredibly welcome. But if you’re not in the mood to wait around…


Student Loan Consolidation Guide

When you were applying for student loans, you had a lot of things to consider. Now that you are paying off those loans there are still a lot of things to be mindful of – none more so than how to reduce the amount of interest you are paying on your loans and how…


Understanding Your Credit Report

Your credit score is one of the most important factors in your adult financial life. It is the single most important factor in deciding whether you can borrow money to buy a house, get a personal loan or finance a car. If that’s not bad enough your credit score will also determine how much…


Home Loans & Mortgages – A Guide

If it’s your first time looking for a mortgage, then you might feel a little apprehensive. After all, this mortgage is something you will deal with every month for the next few decades, so you want to make sure you are getting the best mortgage you can. And while the variety of options available…


Small Business Loans Guide

If you have that great idea for business, and you are determined to pursue your venture into entrepreneurship but lack the funds to do so, you would be considering taking out a small business loan. And just like any loan, you will have to wade through a myriad of types, varying interest rates, coverage,…
